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Strange behaviour in CRBasic ETsz instruction

hal9000 Apr 20, 2018 03:42 PM

Hi to all,

I observed a strange behaviour in the ETsz instruction: using Units instruction to assign the measuring unit to the variable containing air temperature value, the measuring units in output table get the same unit of air temperature (e.g., if air temperature is in deg C, ETrs an Rso are expressed in deg C instead of mm and MJ/m2).

Test program: 

Public PTemp, AirTemp, RH, WindSpeed, Eg, Longitude, Latitude, Altitude
Units AirTemp = deg C
Units RH = %
Units WindSpeed = m/s
Units Eg = MJ/m^2

DataTable (Test,1,-1) 
	DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)

	Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
		PanelTemp (AirTemp,_50Hz)
		CallTable Test


File header of output table

"TIMESTAMP",	"RECORD",	"ETrs",	   "Rso"
"TS",		"RN",	        "deg C",   "deg C"
"",		"",		"ETXs",    "Rso" 

File header of output table with instruction “Units AirTemp = deg C” commented 

"TIMESTAMP",	"RECORD",	"ETrs",	"Rso"
"TS",		"RN",	        "mm",	"MJ/m²"
"",		"",		“ETXs",	"Rso"


My best regards


Sam Apr 23, 2018 01:42 AM

The fix for this error will be included in the next OS release.

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