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CR1000 not calculating rainfall data corrcetly

Tim ECWCD Apr 1, 2019 03:20 PM

Hello all

   I have a CR1000 that is giving me bad data for hourly rainfall totals. We also collect rainfall totals in a five min and 24 hour tables with no problems. Could it be a bad sector on the CR? 

I have update the OS and made sure the programing is correct.

Example: on January 27th rainfall total between 5am to 6am.

5 min table for that time period gave me a total of 0.66 inches.

60 min table for the same time period gave me a total of 1308 inches.



JDavis Apr 1, 2019 03:32 PM

Please post a copy of your datalogger program.

Tim ECWCD Apr 1, 2019 04:08 PM

Here is a snippit of the rainfall . 


'Collect rain every second



   Rain60Min = Rain60Min+Rain_01



'Zero Rain 60 minute total at top of hour after recording

   If IfTime(0,60,min) Then


grmc Apr 7, 2019 07:19 PM

I Believe you just need to measure rainfall in a variable like "Rain"

Then in the data table of 5 minutes and the 60 minutes just calculate the total of the "Rain" variable, the datalogger will do all the work.

Something like below:

Public PTemp, Batt_volt, Rain'Define Data Tables.

DataTable (Hourly,1,-1) 'Set table size to # of records, or -1 to autoallocate.
 DataInterval (0,60,Min,10)
 Totalize (1,Rain,FP2,False)

DataTable (Min5,1,-1) 'Set table size to # of records, or -1 to autoallocate.
 DataInterval (0,5,Min,10)
 Totalize (1,Rain,FP2,False)

'Main Program
 Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
  PanelTemp (PTemp,60)
  Battery (Batt_volt)
  PulseCount (Rain,1,P1 ,1,0,0.1,0)  ''Make shure the multiplier of the counts is ok for the rain gauge you have in this case is 0.1
  CallTable Min5
  CallTable Hourly


Tim ECWCD Apr 8, 2019 11:33 AM

We do use a variable for Rainfall, that's the Rain_01 in the PulseCount line.

Odd part is I have 30 other sites with the same program that do not have this problem, that's why I'm leaning towards bad memory sector.

Earl Apr 9, 2019 09:12 PM


Not sure you would want to totalize Rain60Min. Perhaps just a Sample since you are manually totalizing with Rain60Min = Rain60Min+Rain_01

Terri Apr 10, 2019 04:24 PM

Is it the same type of data logger and operating system as the other units that do not have the problem? If those are the same, I would retrieve the program and use a compare to another logger's program (Notepad ++ (Plugin Menu, Compare) for example) to make sure something with that unit has not been changed by mistake. 

Tim ECWCD Apr 10, 2019 09:10 PM

All are CR1000 recorders, most but not all have OS 32.03. I 've compared it's program with others and there is nothing different I can find. But I may try putting a different sites program in it and then calibrate the rain gauge to see what happens.

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