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Voltse() and The voltage range

kokihualpa Dec 27, 2020 11:38 PM


I see that when I connect one instrument in one Single ended (SE1,SE2...) and that equipment works in a range of 0-5VDC.

That instrument works equal if I put in the section "Range", +-2500 or +-5000 mv. So in reverse, one equipment of 0-2.5VDC, works equal if I put "Range" in +-2500 or +-5000 mv.

Why? That range is not supose has to restrictly.

JDavis Dec 28, 2020 08:17 PM

The 5VDC signal from the sensor is more than 2500mV more than the voltage on the ground of the datalogger. Ground voltage on the datalogger will be at 0VDC.

The +-5000mV range must be used.

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