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What is the 192.168.l.254 ?

Alex09st Sep 16, 2021 01:05 PM

We have an issue in our meteorological station based on CR1000 and connected to WiFi network via NL241 Wireless Network Link Interface. The NL241 is configured in Bridge Mode, with default parameters, while the CR1000 is configured to use a fixed IP address. Signal strength is about -75 dBm

The CR1000 acquires the data every 10 s and send to a FTP server one data tables every 15 min and four data tables every 60 min. It sends also error messages via email, using EmailRelay instruction. Usually the system works fine but occasionally it stops sending email (while file transfer via FTP continues to work fine).
This problem is more frequent during the week, when the wifi network is more busy, than the weekend.

The connection to the data logger via Loggernet is always an available option and it is possible to monitoring the logger activity. However, when there is the failure on email sending it is also impossible to upload any file larger than 960 bytes to the logger (i.e. sending a new program).

Our hypothesis is that EmailRelay function is blocked because the system is unable to receive data strings used in the secure connection, larger than 960 bytes. 192.168.l.254

whoneyc Sep 16, 2021 02:27 PM

In your router settings, have you manually assigned to your device MAC address?

The address you have listed uses the structure of a private network IP4 address.  Some routers reassign private addresses based on network load.  Usually, there is a function in your router settings (probably at which allows you to restrict a certain private address such as to a specific device on the network using the MAC address.  If your problems exist during high load on the network, your device may be on the network but at a different address.

I would start here, and confirm that you have a static local IP address.  There may be something more challenging going on, but this is the simplest potential cause.

Nico Sep 21, 2021 04:54 AM

Alex09st is a bot, this a a bona fide copy of this original post by hal9000


joakim455 Oct 3, 2023 03:31 PM

Make sure that the NL241 is configured correctly.
Make sure that the CR1000 is configured correctly.
Check the signal strength between the NL241 and the CR1000. If the signal strength is weak, try moving the NL241 closer to the CR1000.
Try restarting the NL241 and the CR1000.

To fix this, you can try changing the IP address of your meteorological station.

I was also having issue and due to this carx street game was not playing. I applied and it got fixed.

Daisyly May 9, 2024 01:04 PM

The IP address

is typically used as the default gateway or router address for home and small office networks that use the private IP address range. quordle

jsnowww22 Jan 29, 2025 12:54 PM

This post is under review.

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