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GetVariables code?

131 Sep 26, 2022 04:43 AM

I've been playing with the GetVariables code, in the below example, are the parentheses after "DamData" to remain empty?

GetVariables(DamData(), ComSDC7, 0, 2, 0, 0, "<DamData>", "<Temp>",DamData(), 1)
GetVariables(DamData(), ComSDC7, 0, 2, 0, 0, "<DamData>", "<EC>",DamData(), 1)
GetVariables(DamData(), ComSDC7, 0, 2, 0, 0, "<DamData>", "<Depth>",DamData(), 1)
GetVariables(Dam_Batt_volt(), ComSDC7, 0, 2, 0, 0, "<StnBatteryDam>", "<Dam_volts>",Dam_Batt_volt(), 1)

Data is logging correctly on the remote/source logger, but the primary/destination logger is recording -16 or 0's.

16/09/2022 11:30, -16, 0, 0

Thanks for any help.


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